Why Boredom Is The Secret Weapon Successful People Use To Unlock Their Full Potential
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As children, we’re conditioned to think boredom is terrible — something to avoid.
However, the opposite is true. Yet another life dichotomy that leaves you scratching your head and pondering your beliefs. I hate boredom. With ADHD and a type-A personality, novelty and I are best friends, leading me to fear monotony.
Over the years, however, I’ve learned that it’s embracing boredom that allows you to unlock your full potential.
Challenge the status quo and embrace the power of boredom.
“The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom.” — James Clear
When you get bored, you enter an uncomfortable space, like an addict without drugs.
You feel you must do something, forcing you to chase novelty or low-value busyness constantly. As soon as people lose a slight interest in doing the same thing day in and day out and don’t feel motivated or bored…