The Softening of the Human Mind: Why We’re Not Prepared for the Consequences

Nate Anglin
3 min readJun 5, 2023

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Comfort — as seductive as The Weeknd’s songs and as addictive as your grandma’s chocolate chip cookies.

But have you ever paused your Netflix binge to consider how this pursuit of ease might turn our brains into overcooked pasta? Or perhaps, how your oversensitivity to almost everything shrinks your brain into a mushy, soft prune?

We live in an era where convenience is king, and safe talk is a titan.

We’ve become swaddled by technology, cushioned against hardship, and are rarely more than an arm’s length away from an app to solve our problems. Unfortunately, our love of comfort stifles our mental grit.

The Western mind is becoming worryingly soft, like a marshmallow in hot chocolate. Our brains, once the rigorous workhorses of innovation, resilience, and problem-solving, are increasingly the pampered show ponies of the intellectual world.

It’s like watching a champion fighter turn into an overweight couch potato — heart-wrenching.



Nate Anglin
Nate Anglin

Written by Nate Anglin

Small Biz Investor, CEO, & helping others improve their performance, profit, & potential w/out sacrificing what’s most important.

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