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How To Learn From Every Situation, Good or Bad

Simply ask yourself these two questions…

Nate Anglin
2 min readAug 18, 2018
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

It’s sink or swim they say, and I tell them, they’re full of shit.

It’s the mantra for a lot of small businesses. It was the mantra for mine.

I sank. I nearly drowned. That’s the problem with this view on business and in life.

You don’t just sink. You drown. You die.

You don’t just throw a kid in the pool and say sink or swim. It’s absurd. Sadistic.

You teach them to paddle. To float. To hold their breath.

The same thing applies to your life and career.

When you learn from your failures, you begin to paddle. You begin to swim. You don’t just sink, you start floating.

Here’s a simple framework to help you quickly learn from every situation.

Ask yourself, what did you like best?

We’re flooded with shit news telling us how bad the world is. Thankfully, I don’t read most of it. I suggest you do the same.

In the face of failure or a learning situation, always debrief and ask yourself, what did you like best?



Nate Anglin
Nate Anglin

Written by Nate Anglin

Small Biz Investor, CEO, & helping others improve their performance, profit, & potential w/out sacrificing what’s most important.

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