9 Tiny Tips To Transform Your Confidence In 30 Days or Less

Nate Anglin
5 min readFeb 19, 2023

Some days I feel like I wear a cape and can do anything.

Other days, although rare, my thoughts start to scold me, like I’m a prisoner in my mind. “You’re not smart enough, fast enough, or handsome enough.” “Essentially, everything you do is shit.”

I’m a victim of my thoughts.

We all go through moments of ups and downs — that’s a natural part of living.

You can’t have the good without the bad.

I often feel the most insecure in large groups.

The people, the noise, all of it makes me edgy. It could stem from some unaddressed trauma from my past, or the easiest thing to blame is I’m introverted.

For most of my career, I despised industry conferences. Who am I kidding? I still hate them.

I never felt like I belonged:

“How do I start this conversation?”

“No way am I walking up to someone I don’t know!”

“This sucks! Get me out of here.”

But, over the years, I’ve learned ways to build my confidence to fight back and blast through insecurities even when my mind treats me like I’m nothing.



Nate Anglin

Small Biz Investor, CEO, & helping others improve their performance, profit, & potential w/out sacrificing what’s most important. www.nateanglin.com/newsletter