5 Priceless Daily Habits That Create Small Business Success
“Your outcomes are a lagging indicator of your daily habits,” writes James Clear.
In other words, the value a business generates for all stakeholders represents what people in the organization focus on daily. You become what you continually do.
For me, I used to try to do everything — I made sales calls, negotiated aircraft material, hired, drafted procedures, responded to emails at all hours of the day, and the list never ended.
Eventually, I realized that if I focused on everything, I focused on nothing, so I needed to focus only on what mattered most.
The most successful small businesses follow these five simple but powerful daily habits:
They Execute Their Standards:
Great companies execute a set of non-negotiable standards. The standards represent who they are and what they value.
They Recruit & Retain Key Talent:
Every day, successful companies focus on recruiting the most talented people (no, this doesn’t mean the most “expensive”) and ensuring they retain them for as long as possible.
They WOW Customers:
Without customers, a company is nothing. Great companies deliver a WOW experience at every touchpoint. They also don’t wait for clients to come to them — they prospect and create value every day.
They Focus On Less:
Every day, they focus relentlessly on the things that help them achieve their single, big company objective. They understand that distractions are wasteful.
They Eliminate Waste:
Everything can be improved continuously. They do this by identifying and eliminating waste.
When you put distractions ahead of what you know is most important, you’re voting with your time. You’re saying, “X is more important than Y.”
That’s all time is — a choice of activities in the present moment that accumulate and compound over a lifetime.
So, to be the best small business you can be, embody these habits and focus on what matters most.
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